Deepwoken: Best Attunement Tier List - Item Level Gaming (2025)

in Tier Lists

Pick the best attunements out there!

byJon Suan

When it comes to RPGs or games with RPG mechanics there usually are a lot of builds you can go for. This is especially true with multiplayer ones since it’s going to be boring if hundreds of people only have two builds to work with.

In Deepwoken, there are a lot of builds that you can make and one of the things you’ll need to consider is your Attunement. Investing in different attunements can give you some strong mantras to use in fights, but which ones are the best?

In this guide, we’ll show you what are the best Attunements you can get in Deepwoken. We’ll go through all of them and list them all in a tier list for easy viewing! Now, let’s see what the best ones are!

Best Attunement Tier List

There are a lot of different attunements that you can get in the game that work well with different builds and mantras. There’s not a bad attunement that people should since all of them are viable but some are just better than others. Here are all of the best attainments you can get in a tier list!

SIDE NOTE: Want to try these attunements in PVP? Here’s a guide on how to master PVP to help you out!

Deepwoken: Best Attunement Tier List - Item Level Gaming (3)

S – Tier

  • Attunement-less – That’s right, in a tier list for Attunements the best is to not have attunements at all. That’s because it gives you so many points to put on anything else in the game from mantras to cards. You can have really powerful M1 attacks with weapons especially with the new weapons.
  • Scrapsinger – Great talents and damage reduction with amazing damage. It has multiple guard break moves as well as great range. It’s a better Ironsing.
  • Ironsing – Widely regarded as the strongest attunement in the game with incredible damaging mantras. It has great moves that can guardbreak like Metal Slam and talents can increase your range.
  • Flamecharm – If you do want to attune to something the best one is the Flamecharm. You can get some great free damage to your enemies, especially with the blazing enchant. Fireblade is one of the best guardbreak moves in the game and you can get it with Flamecharm.

A – Tier

  • Specter Path – An amazing attunement that can do great combos along with strong chip damage. You lose Suffocate but it’s not much of a loss compared to how great your other mantras are.
  • Surgepath – The abilities this attunement can give you have great debuffs. It can increase the mantra cooldowns of enemies and it has some guard break options to boot. It’s also easy to start combos with since it can teleport to an opponent.
  • Frostdraw – This also known as ice, is rarely used these days despite being one of the best in the early days of the game. It still has some great guard breaks and strong moves but you’ll have to watch out for getting parried. It works best with specific builds like fist builds.
  • Shadowcast – This attunement has some great guard breaks and can do some great combos like with Rising Shadow.

B – Tier

  • Crystal Path – This attunement only works with a Gran Sudaruska build since each M1 applies a crystal. Along with Eruption, it can work but it’s not as great compared to Frostdraw.
  • Galebreath – An attunement that got weaker as new stuff was added. It’s overshadowed by the specter path. It’s still a viable attunement but there are better picks in the game.
  • Thundercall – Another attunement that got weaker with patches. Still a good set of skills but you’re better off going with Surge.
  • Black Flames – Not that great in terms of damage but can be helped a bit with flame wisp. It’s still a viable attunement with the right skill but there are better choices.

C – Tier

  • Lava Serpent – Amazing talents that can knock back your enemies when you guard break. The abilities can be parried or avoided so the damage can be lacking. Not to mention the explosion ragdolls enemies making it hard to do combos.

Those are all of the attunements, and which are the best ones in Deepwoken. Now, go out there and try the best ones yourself! If you haven’t found the Diluvian in the game yet, then check out our guide on where to find the Diluvian Mechanism!


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Deepwoken: Best Attunement Tier List - Item Level Gaming (2025)


What is the best attunement weapon in Deepwoken? ›

A very good attunement. Ice daggers + frozen pincushion is one of the best mantras in the game, ice lance is phenomenal and many of the other moves are great. The big three of metamancing starts here. Amazing combo potential, the best hero blade and great damage and mantras.

Is frostdraw a good attunement? ›

Frostdraw is slightly slower compared to other Attunements, but still offers offensive options that are relatively quick and cunning. This translates to the fact that the Attunement would fit well to people who have a defensive approach to combat.

Can you have two attunements in Deepwoken? ›

Within the character creation menu, you may choose up to two attunements to start off with- or none, preferences considered. The more attunements you wield, the more expensive it will become to manage them- because you do not have an infinite number of points to spend on your character.

What is the rarest AXE in Deepwoken? ›

The Relic Axe is a Heavy Weapon of mythical rarity that is obtainable as a rare drop from Sand or Blizzard Knights found in the Starswept Valley and Valley of Heroes respectively.

Which enforcer weapon is the best Deepwoken? ›

Enforcer's Axe: An endgame weapon of choice for heavy users, this axe has some of the highest damage potential in the game.

Can you break attunement? ›

A creature can also voluntarily end attunement by spending another short rest focused on the item, unless the item is cursed.

Is ironsing a good attunement? ›

Ironsing is the fastest Attunement to obtain a Legendary Weapon, with the Ignition Deepcrusher released in the exact same update as Ironsing itself. Ironsing is the only Attunement that does not have a Hero Blade. (It'd probably just be a literal sword, anyways.)

Is it better to be one handed or two handed in deepwoken? ›

Two hand makes it to where you do more damage, but your posture bar fills up faster. One hand does slightly less damage, but does less posture bar damage.

What is Thundercall good for? ›

Thundercall is an Attunement which grants the user the ability to control, conjure and create thunder and electricity, giving them access to abilities which focus on combat, stunning, and movement. Thundercall makes use of a highly unpredictable nature due to its speed and high slow/stun potential.

Is Deepwoken Layer 2 hard? ›

Second Layer, naturally being an extremely hostile location, is difficult to survive in, and is not intended for prolonged journeys. However, the benefits of the EXP Gain and loot drops can far outweigh the dangers lurking within Second Layer for players who are willing to grind at the risk of wiping.

What are the best weapons in Deepwoken? ›

Top 5 weapons in Roblox Deepwoken
  • Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's views.
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What is the best clan in Deepwoken? ›

Best Deepwoken Races
  • Vesperian - This Race initially has natural armor, which reduces damage taken by 5%. ...
  • Felinor - Thanks to the Nightchild talent, you significantly increase your agility and Stealth. ...
  • Capra - Besides the fact that this Race is the rarest in Deepwoken, it has several versions of talent.
Jun 26, 2024

What is weapon attunement? ›

Once you complete a weapon's quest, you can attune it at the Holo-Shaxx that is holding said weapon. Source: Shacknews. Attunement increases the drop chance of the selected weapon by 50 percent. This lets Guardians focus on acquiring a specific weapon in the Brave Arsenal as opposed to relying entirely on luck.

What is the best stat build for Deepwoken? ›

A basic main stat build. would be either 300 strength or spirit and 190 vitality, or 320 strength or spirit and 100 and seventy vitality, but you can fine tune them however you want. For wind it recommend a hybrid build, so around 150 strengthened spirit and 190 vitality. as all the moves are dual scaling.


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