What Are Milagros & Their Symbolism - Nancy Jackson | The Artistic Mystic & Muse (2024)

MysticalNon October 22, 2021


Milagro is the Spanish word for miracles and have a served as symbols of hope and tokens of gratitude for centuries. They are also defined as a small talisman—an object with is thought to have religious or magical power or able to bring fortune or good luck. Many cultures over centuries, if not millennia, have used small objects with symbolic meaning to convey ideas or beliefs that go beyond the literal object itself.

Primarily a Lain American, Catholic folk tradition, the use of Milagros is an ancient practice. The cultural practice of using Milagros in a spiritual context has been found in old, Mediterranean culture and beliefs and can also be associated with early man’s use of types of tokens or talismans. This type of offering has also been documented in classical Greece, as well as Guatemala, Mexico, India, Morocco, and Iran.

Milagros are still created by artisans. The charms are commonly made of silver, tine, or mixed cast metal (like tin), which serve as a votive offering that is given without the intention of recovery or use. Traditionally, they are sold in front of churches and at pilgrimage sites. It is believed this custom began in the Mediterranean Catholic traditions that were then brought to the Americas by the Spanish and Portuguese. The use of Milagros still popular in Mexico today, as well as other Spanish populated areas in North and South America.

In the Catholic churches of Latin America, you will commonly find Milagros attached to or displayed on altars associated statues of saints. The statues will be found covered in small gold or silver charms. The charms range from body parts-arms, legs, eyes, organs, but will include animals, plants or material objects, and sometimes are even rectangularly framed. The charms vary in style and size but are usually small, ranging from the size of a nickel or quarter, but very small milagros, called milagritos (little miracles) are also used.

These offerings are chosen for a specific vow or prayer request. They then presented to the statue of a saint, an altar, or special designated place, by the faithful on their own behalf or presented on the behalf of another or loved one as a petition or request. The Milagros may be pinned, tied, nailed, or placed as tradition or the church dictates. Milagros are bestowed as a token of thanks to the saint, spirit, or God for the intercession that has occurred such as a healing or assistance with a problem, in essence a miracle. While this tradition is not as prevalent today, churches in parts of Latin American a church statue may be found completely covered in milagros.

Milagros found and used outside of the church are commonly referred to as dijes, or charms. For example, one might give a milagro as a thankful gift. Large milagos are more commonly displayed in the home as part of an altar, or as spiritual protection, or decoration These charms are also worn and have been integrated into fashion. Milagros have and continue to be featured in artworks found in galleries or museums. However, the most common place to find them is still in churches.

Here are some of the most common milagros and their meanings.


Physical labor; Sports utilizing the foot (soccer, kickball, running); Walking/Pilgrimage; Ailments of the foot (toes, bunions, gout, broken bones of the foot); Lack of body mobility; Paralysis; Amputation; Things in life you want to walk away from; Means of casting out/sending away misfortune; Walking away from unhappiness or situation; Walking towards a goal or down a ‘good path’; Moving forward; Positive change.


One’s leg, or a condition associated with it (injury, arthritis); One’s strength; Concept of travel (walking, journey) or prayer involving daily travel; Sports utilizing the leg (soccer, kickball, running, jumping).


An arm condition; Strength; One’s ability to work; An embrace; Any part of the arm that might be the focus of the prayers (such as the and or finger).


Connected with the Mexican saint-Santa Lucia (who is shown with a tray/rectangle with 2 eyes on it), people pray to her about eye conditions; Concept of watching or being watched over.


Expression of thoughts, feelings (communication); how we received daily nourishment; Dental; Mouth deformity; Speech disorder (lisp, stuttering); Speaking well of others; Saying the right thing.


Silent prayer; Kiss, blessing, faith; Farewell gesture; A promise

Tooth or Impression of Teeth

Teeth, Gums, Dentures, Cavities, decay, gum disease


How you relate to the world; How you reach out to others and how others touch you in return; Humanity; Kindness; Guiding others; What you use to work or use with physical labor; Instruments of creativity (music, art, poetry); Problems with your hands (arthritis, tendonitis, injury)

Clenched Fist

Sign of good luck; Perseverance

2 Hands Touching

Prayer; Helping or service to others, one’s community; Cooperation


Symbol of love; in religion when pictured with a flame and or a crown of thorns-Sacred heart of Jesus , or the Sacred heart of Mother Mary; Represents physical, emotional, and spiritual pain; Worries over a heart problem; Representation of the love one person feels for another; Reminder to slow down, to care for one’s health; Courage; Lessen the burden of something; Celebrate a marriage or anniversary; Gratitude for something.

Pierced with a Sword

Unhappy; Loss of a loved one; Heartache


Renewed love; Heartburn; Enduring passion


Heartache; Medical condition


Connection with or to a loved one


One’s own home and the blessings that might be had in it and for those who dwell there (family); When traveling, it can insure that one will arrive safely home again; To establish a connection between the traveler and the loved ones at home.


Ones’ female child, niece, grandchild, or any other girl; May represent the sense of nurturing one’s inner child; Can be connected to praying a petition for giving birth to a baby girl.


One’s male child, nephew, grandchild, or any other boy (*Same as girl description)


May symbolize any of the Bible verses about sheep (parable of the Good Shepherd, Lamb of God); Also the concept of togetherness, family; Overcoming shyness


Qualities of a person being a workhorse; travel or prayer about a journey; Taking swift action


Loyalty; Protection


Like the horse it can symbolize qualities of a workhorse; Travel; Prayer about a journey; Prayer to overcome stubbornness or being stuck in a situation


Nourishment; Attempt to erase the effects of behavior that is typically described in a negative way; Abundance


Staying focused; Taking aim to reach a goal or achieve a target; Protection; Strength; Perseverance


Grounded; Stability; Physical and spiritual nourishment; Strength; Flexibility; Growth; The Tree of Life-personal development, uniqueness, individual beauty; Higher knowledge and wisdom; The path towards eternal life; Bridge between the lower world-the physical world-and the higher realms


Help with being shown the way; Following your path or following your inner compass; New adventure, travel, beginnings; Truth (as in ‘true north’); Integrity; Help with direction in one’s life or life decisions


Assistance with change, transformation, intuitive development, trusting the unknown or mystery; Wisdom; Knowledge; Help with an ending (‘spiritual death’) to bring about a rebirth or new beginning; Help with navigating a situation that leaves one feeling in the dark


Asking for peace or a peaceful resolution in a situation; Requesting a message or sign of confirmation regarding a question or concern; Bring in love to a situation; Purity or detoxification; Need for more devotion or faith in a situation

Hand of Hamsa or Hand of Fatima

Requesting protection, power, or strength; Asking for good fortune, health, and happiness. *In Jewish faiths, The Hand of Fatima or ‘Hamsa’ represents the hand of God and is known as ‘The Hand of Miriam’, and is used to protect the owner from ‘The Evil Eye’ by warding of any potential negative forces. Fatima was the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The name Fatima means ‘shining one’ or ‘captivating’, the perfection of beauty in body, mind, and soul.


Seeking abundance; Assistance with a work issue or with colleagues at work; Help in finding the beauty and sweetness of life (release from grief); Requesting support with a project or idea involving creativity


Need for strength, endurance, being grounded to weather some sort of storm, difficulty (including legal); Stability

Star or Starfish

Requesting or giving thanks for blessings, healings; Patience with Divine timing; Need for one’s path to be lit when all seems dark, challenging or even hopeless


Seeking more joy, happiness or a new beginning; Illumination regarding a situation in order to see or understand it


Assistance with what seems veiled or hidden; Need for going with the flow of life; Help with intuition or psychic abilities


Requesting angelic, higher realm assistance or guidance with situation or the consideration of prayers being offered; Asking to be watched over by angels or spirit guides in a situation or when traveling; Angelic intervention on one’s behalf


Requesting healing (even on a DNA level); Transformation; Letting go of the old to begin anew; Protection or assistance with a person or situation that is deceptive


Asking help to unlock or solve a problem; Unlocking of something that is unknown or mysterious to be made known or understood; The assistance for acquiring or finding the answer, faith, strength to a need, situation; Mastery of the Universal Laws or Sacred Keys to Unity Consciousness

Virgin of Guadalupe

Help with one’s faith; Need for love and compassion in a situation; Request for justice; Assistance with family, pregnancy, marriage


Abundance; A good harvest or the completion of a project or job


Need for answers; Acquiring schooling, knowledge; Assistance with looking at the details of a situation, person, or life


Transformation; Rebirth; Ability to be flexible and adaptable


Help with memory; Removing of an obstacle(s); Family or Community


Need for resources; Strength to overcome challenges (swimming upstream or against the current)

What Are Milagros & Their Symbolism - Nancy Jackson | The Artistic Mystic & Muse (1)

Why I Created the Milagros-Miracles Oracle Deck

I spent over two decades teaching visual arts and ancient art history. In that time, I developed and designed my own instructional materials, many of which were inspired by ancient art history. One of my favorite cultures was Pre-Colombian. I found it interesting how indigenous traditions were adapted by the invasion of the Spanish and how they may still be found today in Mexico and other central and southern countries.

It was not uncommon for me to spend approximately one year researching, developing, and then designing an instructional unit for my students. Milagros were one of the topics covered and I felt a strong connection to these silver talismans. Years later, when realized I had the ability to read tarot/oracle cards I knew I would one day design a Milagros deck. This deck is the effort of that original desire. While milagros may not be as popular today and thought more of as souvenirs, I feel that with the resurgence of humanity’s spirituality they are once again being explored and appreciated as people reclaim their lost spiritual, healing, and divination modalities. The milagros and talismans of the past are again lending their meaning in helping humanity focus their attention inward. I have seen how charms in jewelry design has increased, as people want to connect to those icons and symbols that resonate with them. As such, I incorporated both traditionally made milagros and modern-day charms.

The function of this deck is to make you aware of things that may need addressed personally or with those around you. The cards may also help affirm those gifts and abilities you have and how you might be of help to another. If not for yourself, this deck could be very helpful with clients who need guidance or direction in their lives that this deck might provide.

Links to this and other decks for purchase is provided below. Also, the link to my YouTube channel is provided where you can find an introduction to all my oracle decks.

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What Are Milagros & Their Symbolism - Nancy Jackson | The Artistic Mystic & Muse (2024)


What is the symbolism of the Milagros? ›

Today, Milagros are more than just religious art. They have become symbols that are used to wish people a happy and healthy future. They remind us that it's never too late to bring people special gifts of devotion and love.

What do milagros hearts signify? ›

Similarly, a heart might represent ideas as diverse as a heart condition, a romance, or any number of other interpretations. Milagros are also carried for protection and good luck. In addition to religious and ritual applications, milagros are often found as components in necklaces, earrings and other jewellery.

What is the meaning of Milagros charms? ›

Milagros, meaning miracles in Spanish, are small religious folk charms found throughout Mexico and Peru. The Heart Milagro (also known as the Sacred Heart) represents love, healing and gratitude.

What does "los milagros" mean? ›

"Milagros are small metal religious charms. The word milagro means “miracle”.

What is a milagro in art? ›

(Spanish: “miracle”). In Spain, Mexico, Latin America, and the southwestern U.S., milagros are small metal sculptures, usually made of silver or tin, that believers present at shrines, typically attaching them to altars and to statues of saints as votive offerings.

What is Milagro known for? ›

Milagro Tequila is a 100% blue agave tequila renowned for its bright, fresh agave flavor and exceptional smoothness.

What does the hand of Milagros mean? ›

Here are some of the qualities assigned to common milagros: Heart: love, joy, longing, passion, worry. Arm: work, strength, touch, embrace. Leg: strength, support, movement, travel. Hand: work, strength, creativity, creation, help.

What is the history of Milagros? ›

Milagros were introduced to Latin America with the arrival of the Spanish and Catholicism. Normally, milagros were made in fabric, wood, aluminum, silver, and even paper and paint so that they showed their devotion to a saint, to represent the promise that was made, or to thank for the miracle that happened.

What does milagros mean in the Bible? ›

The name Milagros is of Spanish origin. This feminine name means 'miracles' or 'wonders' in Spanish. It is also believed to have a biblical connection. Milagros is used to honor Virgin Mary and is derived from the Spanish line, Nuestra Señora de los Milagros, which translates to 'Our Lady of Miracles.

Is Milagros male or female? ›

Milagros, a girl's name of Spanish origin, means "miracles" and points to baby's special place in your heart. A miracle is defined as a extraordinary event, one that is life-changing, healing, and wrapped up in hope.

What does 54 milagros mean? ›

Ugas' nickname, 54 Milagros, comes from two people: "54" refers to baseball player Aroldis Chapman who wears the number 54, and is Ugas' best friend; "Milagros" is the name of Ugas' mother.

What is milagro meaning in English? ›

Milagro means "miracle" in Spanish.

What is the meaning of the name Milagros? ›

Origin:Spanish. Meaning:Miracles. Having the chance to raise a child is one of life's most pure and beautiful miracles. Milagros, a girl's name of Spanish origin, means "miracles" and points to baby's special place in your heart.

What does the Mexican heart symbolize? ›

All About 'El Corazón Sagrado,' the Sacred Heart

The sacred heart is a beloved symbol representing hope, pain, beauty, faith and love, but there is so much more to this iconic symbol.


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